Saturday, December 20, 2014

Strawberry Yule/Log Cake 2014 (4) by Angela Seah Thulin

How to resist baking with such an easy failproof swiss roll recipe?? I can't, especially now during the Christmas season when I design them into a log cake. Just by this year - I think I have baked a total of 6 or more swiss rolls either for gifts or for own consumption.

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Part (A)
White Chocolate bar, shredded by potato shredder
X'mas deco

Part (B) - filling
350ml of heavy cream
4 tbsp of granulated sugar
1/2 tsp strawberry emulco paste
*Whisk the heavy cream & sugar then add strawberry paste and beat till trails formed/creamy (3-4mins). Chill in fridge.

Part (C)
3 egg yolks
2 tbsp sugar (30g)
60ml water
45ml vegetable oil
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp strawberry emulco
60g cake flour, sieve

Part (D)
3 egg white
2 tbsp sugar (30g)
1/4 tsp of cornflour
*In a clean metal bowl, whisk the egg white till soft peak then add sugar and continue whisking. Add corn flour and whisk till stiff peak formed. Set aside.

Steps -
1. Do Part B first.
2. Part (C) - Whisk the egg yolks and sugar until pale and fluffy (for about 8 minutes).  Then add water, vegetable oil, vanilla essence and whisk till mixed. Add strawberry emulco, give a gentle whisk. Add sifted cake flour and whisk till well-combined (will look runny).
3. Then do Part (D).
*Preheat your oven now at 170degree celsius.
4. In 3 additions - take the part (D) and FOLD in to Part (C) till well-combined. I used balloon whisker.
5. Pour onto a 10x10 baking tray lined with baking paper. Into the oven and bake for 14mins.
6. Dust some icing powder on the top. Roll it tightly and let the paper wrapped with it. Freeze for ten mins.
7. Release the roll, spread filling on it and roll the same way again.
8. Pipe your exterior design as you like. Back into the fridge to chill before you cut.


材料 A 

材料B (内馅鲜奶油霜) 
鲜奶油 350 毫升 
细砂糖 4 大匙 (1 大匙 =15 公克) 
草莓味香精 1/2 小匙
• 将以上一起打至硬发泡 (stiff peak),置入冰箱冷藏。 

蛋黄 3 粒 
细砂糖 2大匙 
水 60毫升 
植物油 45毫升 
香草精 1/2 小匙 
草莓味香精 1 小匙 
低筋面粉过筛 60公克
• 调理盆放入蛋黄,用打蛋器打至发白起泡,依次加入水,植物油 和香草精,搅匀。 • 再篩入低筋面粉,充分搅匀。 

蛋白 3 粒 
细砂糖 30公克 
玉米粉 1/4 小匙
• 用另一个干燥干净调理盆将蛋白和1/3糖,用电动打蛋机打发呈较粗的泡沫,倒入1/3砂糖继续打发呈現细緻泡沫状后,将剩下砂糖倒入,加入玉米淀粉续打至硬性发泡即可。

作法 1) 以170°C 预热烤箱 
2)将材料D 分成3 份加入材料C, 用橡皮刮刀轻柔地混合。橡皮刮刀由下往上翻充分搅拌至面糊均匀光滑。 
3)取一10x10 烤盘, 铺上烘培纸,将作法2面糊倒入,用刮板将面糊刮平,刮的时候从中央往旁边延展至四个角落。 
4) 放入烤箱以170°C 烘烤14分钟。 
5) 取出烤盘 离桌面20cm 誏烤盘震落桌面,此举可去除蛋糕内的热气,蛋糕不会委缩。 
7) 洒些糖粉再蛋糕上方,用烘焙纸卷起,誏其冷却 
8)摊开蛋糕涂抹材料B - 鲜奶油霜,摆上水果, 連同烘焙纸卷起, 将烘焙纸两侧扭緊, 放入冰箱1小时以上即可。 